Asset Manager

Allow Bill Burris to market your bank-owned property and you’ll be glad you did!

Bill has over 20 years of experience in Real Estate. He and his team specialize in REO Asset Management, Pre-Foreclosure and Short Sales. The Burris Team will assess needs, protect your property and get it sold fast. His Team covers all from changing locks to arranging a smooth settlement. They respond immediately!

  • Complete resources to quickly perform all property related needs from re-keys, trash-outs, winterization, and a full-scale of repairs.
  • Aggressive marketing programs insure maximum exposure for the property and a quick sale.
  • Individual Web Site for each property listing.
  • Streamlined procedures and systems to allow quick turn-around and on-time reporting.
  • Weekly on-site property inspections performed.
  • Superior “Cash for Keys” negotiator with extensive success.
  • BPO requests completed in 24 hours!

Contact Bill now at:


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